eScience Labs: Environmental Science Labs

The eScience Labs lab kit, created specifically for college-level Environmental Science, includes models, specimens, safety equipment, and more. This kit, combined with Odigia’s Teaching and Learning Tools, is everything you need to engage, collaborate, track, and assess your students.

 This course includes:

 Digital Learning and Teaching Tools

 Quality Lab Kits

Customizable Assessments 

 The Benefits of eScience Labs + Odigia


Make It Yours

Customize the lab kit and assessments to fit the needs of your course and match your desired learning outcomes. 



No-Hassle Delivery

Kits are delivered directly to your students at the time and price you need, giving your students a successful lab experience wherever they are.



Prepare Students

Go beyond the traditional with digital learning and teaching tools that help prepare students for success in today’s workplace.



Boost Engagement

Create an immersive, engaging, and affordable distance learning experience. Can connect to your LMS or run independently.


eScience Labs: Environmental Science Labs

Lab Kits Available in Odigia:

Introduction to Science

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Testable Observations
  • Exercise 2: Data Interpretation
  • Exercise 3: Design an Experiment and Write a Lab Report

Scientific Measurements

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Unit Conversions
  • Exercise 2: Significant Digits and Scientific Notation
  • Exercise 3: Analyzing and Reporting Data


The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Biomagnification
  • Exercise 2: Studying a Miniature Ecosystem

Ecology of Organisms

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Owl Pellet Dissection
  • Exercise 2: Tolerance of Yeast


The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Calculating Biodiversity
  • Exercise 2: Exploring Plant Diversity

Population Biology

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Population Counting Methods
  • Exercise 2: Mark-Recapture Demonstration
  • Exercise 3: Observing Interspecific Competition

Rock and Mineral Resources

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Minerals in our Daily Lives
  • Exercise 2: Acid Mine Drainage

Soil Quality and Contamination

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Determining Soil Texture and Porosity
  • Exercise 2: Analyzing Soil Chemistry
  • Exercise 3: Modeling Soil Contamination

Oceans and Coasts

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Coastal Vulnerability
  • Exercise 2: Marine Animal Tracking
  • Exercise 3: HABs and Eutrophication

Water Quality and Contamination

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Water Contamination
  • Exercise 2: Water Treatment Technique

Weather and The Atmosphere

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Weather and the Water Cycle
  • Exercise 2: Atmospheric Pressure and Hurricanes

Air Quality and Contamination

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Particulates in the Air
  • Exercise 2: Effect of Air Pollution on Germination

Climate Change

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Albedo in Action
  • Exercise 2: The Greenhouse Effect
  • Exercise 3: Ocean Acidification

Energy Resources

The experiments include:

  • Exercise 1: Energy Consumption in the U.S.A
  • Exercise 2: The Deepwater Horizon Incident
  • Exercise 3: Solar Energy

 These labs have been combined with our comprehensive Environmental Science content to create a complete digital learning experience for your students.

Science Interactive Group provides comprehensive, standard-aligned content and educational products, services, and software. Our vast assortment of innovative STEM-oriented products is designed to provide instructors with interactive, real-world applications that engage students and enhance outcomes. 

Odigia provides digital learning and teaching tools that enhance the way students and instructors access, modify, and engage with content, collaborate with each other during the course, track progress and understanding of content, and ultimately apply knowledge.

 Interested in learning more about eScience Labs + Odigia?