Some things never change, like how easy it is to procrastinate when you have a big paper due, or how delicious cheap pizza is at 3 a.m. But if you look around the typical classroom, you’ll likely see tools whose usefulness has been eclipsed by modern innovations.

Take a look at our list and then tell us what learning tools you think should be retired, tagging us on Twitter or Facebook and using the hashtag #tools4today.


Outdated education toolsReally? You’re using that scrap of flimsy paper to mark your intellectual progress through the wonders of organic chemistry? That’s great, until your roommate knocks your book off the table and you’re stuck at square one.

There’s a better way: When classes are taught through an immersive digital learning platform like Odigia, you’ll never lose your place, and you’ll be motivated to keep moving forward. Odigia’s progress indicators take cues from video game design. In addition to where you left off, you’ll know where your classmates are in the material, to ensure you don’t fall behind.


Outdated education toolsOne piece of paper can’t possibly capture the learning experience for every student in a course. Learning is different for everyone. What if you could approach course concepts in a sequence that made more sense to you? What if you could demonstrate your knowledge to your instructor by sharing outside resources you find on your own?

There’s a better way: Odigia gives students the ability to engage with material through entry points that appeal to them. Robust discussion forums and Odigia’s connections feature mean there are no limits on how you apply the knowledge you are acquiring. After all, the ability to think critically and approach problems in new ways is one of the most sought-after skills in today’s jobs market.

Office hours

Office hours are an outdated educational toolNothing can replace the face-to-face interactions you  have with your professors and classmates, but there’s no reason you should feel that your ability to add ideas to the discussion or ask for comments on connections you’ve  made should be limited to class or office hours.

There’s a better way: Odigia’s activity feed ties discussions, course content and resources together in one place, and it’s always there, whenever inspiration strikes.

Learning management systems

Guess who manages your learning? You. Technology’sLearning management systems aren't built for 21st century learning. highest and best use in the classroom isn’t to keep you toggling on your keyboard from discussion forum to course text to calendar.

There’s a better way: Used properly, technology should provide an intuitive ecosystem where teachers can teach and learners can learn, supported by the wealth of knowledge and connectivity the Internet makes possible. Odigia puts everything you need at your fingertips, so you don’t have to leave a text to comment on it. You’ll be thinking about what you’re learning, not how to operate a software program.

Bubble sheets

Bubble sheet test formSo, let’s get this straight. You spend hours a week working on this course, and the best data your instructor gets about your performance comes from this funky-looking piece of paper that gets fed into a machine. For real?

There’s a better way: By building frequent assessments into course content, Odigia gives students and instructors the chance to communicate in real time about what concepts are getting through and where more help might be needed. Having this data available long before the final exam can make a huge difference in not only your GPA, but in the knowledge you take from your time in the class.