Discussions in Odigia
Learning is a collaborative effort. It takes different viewpoints and ideas to foster true engagement and creativity. While Odigia can’t replace organic classroom discussion, its discussion feature enhances the learning experience by making it a community effort, and an engaging, collaborative experience that extends beyond the physical confines of the classroom.
Designed to be social Discussion is a fundamentally collaborative activity in the classroom, so why should it be any different on a digital platform? Odigia was designed with features like flagging, favoriting, and post filtering, in order to make it easy and simple to join in the conversation.
Created to be visible Online discussion forums shouldn’t be buried or hidden. Discussions in Odigia are highly visible in order to drive learner collaboration on both general questions as well as more specific, granular topics. Educators can also use the Discussion tools to drive interaction at all levels of the digital learning experience.
Filtered by learner preference Digital discussion should be dynamic and engaging, just like in real life. The ability for learners to filter discussions by top rated comments, newest posts, and discussions they’re actively participating in is crucial in ensuring consistent learner interaction for the duration of the course.
Built for blended learning Odigia is built to complement blended learning models by creating a space for initial discovery and analysis that can be easily continued in the classroom. Additionally, it provides excellent insight for educators in identifying areas of strong interest among learner populations, as well as areas that may be challenging.