Authoring in Odigia
Odigia’s authoring tools have been designed to make content creation and migration a breeze. Instead of endless forms and complicated navigation, Odigia provides all the tools needed to author incredible content in one place – meaning no need for that day long training session before you get started!
Made to be simple
Odigia was designed so that educators could stop having to be computer programmers and IT specialists, and spend more time actually teaching. Course creation in Odigia was designed to be practical and user-friendly, with intuitive navigation and design, so there’s no maze of menus and screens to get lost in.
Housed in one place
Authoring courses in Odigia takes place directly in-line with the content. There’s no need to complete forms and create separate pages for text, videos, resources or assessments – our tab based navigation system puts everything you need to build exceptional learning experiences in one location.
Focused on concepts
Research proves that people learn better when the information is presented in short, digestible chunks, rather than as an endless stream of facts and material. The authoring system in Odigia is designed to break down large ideas into smaller concepts, keeping the student engaged with the material while also creating the ability to capture relevant data on a granular level.
Designed for inquiry-based learning
While Odigia provides the flexibility to create courses any way you want, our platform is designed with next generation learning principles in mind. Driving content with essential questions in an inquiry based format creates a more conversational style of learning that appeals to a wide range of learning styles, and helps to create a more self-directed student.