Math for Elementary Teachers
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Engage and Collaborate
Odigia combines learning materials, discussions, and tools to create a familiar social experience for students allowing you to easily connect and redirect students attention.

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Game theory allows students to monitor their progress visually and motivates them to stay on track. Students can see exactly what activities they need to complete, which ones have been flagged and compare their progress against the overall class.
Math for Elementary Teachers Course Outline
Concepts Covered: Concepts Covered: Concepts Covered: Concepts Covered: Concepts Covered: Concepts Covered: Concepts Covered: Concepts Covered:Problem Solving
Place Value
Numbers and Operations
Patterns and Algebraic Thinking
Place Values and Decimals
Voyaging on Hōkūle`a
About the book
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers will help you to understand elementary mathematics more deeply, gain facility with creating and using mathematical notation, develop a habit of looking for reasons and creating mathematical explanations, and become more comfortable exploring unfamiliar mathematical situations. Throughout the book, you will learn how to learn mathematics on you own by reading, working on problems, and making sense of new ideas on your own and in collaboration with other students in the class.
About the authors:
Senior Contributing Authors
Michelle Manes, University of Hawaii