University Physics Vol. 1
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University Physics Vol. 1 Course Outline
What units and measurements are used to access the world around use?
- How large is the scope and scale of physics?
- What are the standard units used in physics calculations?
- How can units be converted to express values in different forms?
- How is dimensional analysis performed?
- What are estimates and Fermi Calculations commonly used for?
- How are significant figures determined, and why are they used?
- What is the process for solving problems in physics?
Why are vectors essentials to physics?
- What are the major differences between scalars and vectors?
- How are the coordinate systems and components of a vector defined?
- How is vector algebra used to solve vector equations?
- How are the products of vectors used in physics?
How does motion behave along a straight line?
- What is the relationship between position, displacement, and average velocity?
- How are instantaneous velocity and speed calculated?
- How is average and instantaneous acceleration calculated?
- What is the behavior of motion with a constant acceleration?
- What is the physics behind an object in Free Fall?
- How can velocity and displacement be found from acceleration?
How does motion behave in two and three deimensions?
- How is displacement and velocity vectors solved in two and three dimensions?
- How is an acceleration vector calculated?
- What is projectile motion?
- How is uniform circular motion evaluated?
- How is relative motion in one and two dimensions analyzed?
What are Newton's Laws of Motion?
- What different types of forces exist?
- What is Newton’s first law?
- What is Newton’s second law?
- What is the difference between mass and weight?
- What is Newton’s third law?
- Which forces are considered common forces?
- How are free-body diagrams drawn?
In what ways are Newton's laws applied?
- How are Newton’s laws used to solve problems?
- What are the general characteristics and various types of friction?
- How does centripetal force influence motion?
- How the drag force and terminal speed of an object determined?
How do work and kinetic energy influence physics motion?
- How is the work done by various forces calculated?
- How is kinetic energy calculated?
- What is the work-energy theorem?
- How is power related to work and force?
Why is understanding potential energy and the conservation of energy important to phyics?
- How is the potential energy of a system determined?
- How are conservative and non-conservative forces characterized?
- How is the conservation of energy used to determine the properties of systems?
- What are potential energy diagrams and stability?
- What are the various types and sources of energy?
How are linear momentum and collisions developed and defined?
- What is linear momentum, and how is it calculated?
- What is the relationship between impulses and collisions?
- How is the conservation of linear momentum achieved?
- How are different types of collisions identified?
- What happens when collisions occur in multiple dimension?
- Why is the concept of center of mass significant in physics?
- What is rocket propulsion, and how is it calculated?
What are the mechanics of fixed-axis rotation?
- What is the physical meaning of rotational variables?
- How are equations for rotational motion with constant angular acceleration solved?
- How are angular and translational quantities related to one another?
- What is the relationship between the moment of inertia and rotational kinetic energy?
- How are moments of inertia calculated?
- What is the function of torque?
- What is Newton’s second law for rotation?
- How is work and power for rotational motion determined?
What are the different components of angular momentum?
- What is the physics of rolling motion?
- How is angular momentum calculated?
- How is the conservation of angular momentum applied in physics?
- What is the precession of a gyroscope?
What are the applications of static equilibrium and elasticity?
- What conditions must be met in order for static equilibrium to exist?
- What are some examples of static equilibrium?
- How do stress and strain affect the elastic modulus?
- How is elasticity and plasticity analyzed?
How does gravitational force affect objects on Earth and in the Universe?
- What is Newton’s law of universal gravitation?
- How do gravitational forces change near Earth’s surface?
- How is gravitational potential energy and total energy calculated?
- How do satellite orbits and energy relate to the Earth and its gravitational pull?
- What are Kepler’s laws of planetary motion?
- How do tidal forces affect different systems?
- What is Einstein’s theory of gravity?
What is the significance of fluid mechanics?
- What is the relationship between fluids, density, and pressure?
- How is pressure measured?
- How is Pascal’s principle related to hydraulics?
- How is Archimedes’ principle related to buoyancy?
- What are the mechanics of fluid dynamics?
- Why is Bernoulli’s equation used?
- What are viscosity and turbulence?
What are oscillations?
- What are the characteristics of simple harmonic motion?
- How does energy affect simple harmonic motion?
- How does simple harmonic motion compare to circular motion?
- What forces act on a pendulum?
- What are the characteristics of damped oscillations?
- What are forced oscillations?
How do waves move?
- What are the basic characteristics of wave motion?
- How is a wave modeled?
- What factors affect the speed of a wave on a stretched string?
- How does the energy and power of a wave travel?
- What is wave interference?
- How are standing waves and resonance produced?
How do we experience sound?
- How is sound described in terms of waves?
- What is the speed of sound?
- How does the human ear process sound intensity?
- What are the normal modes of a standing sound wave?
- What are the sources of musical sound?
- How are beats produced?
- What is the Doppler Effect?
- Why do shock waves occur?
University Physics is a three-volume collection that meets the scope and sequence requirements for two- and three-semester calculus-based physics courses. Volume 1 covers mechanics, sound, oscillations, and waves.
This textbook emphasizes connections between theory and application, making physics concepts interesting and accessible to students while maintaining the mathematical rigor inherent in the subject. Frequent, strong examples focus on how to approach a problem, how to work with the equations, and how to check and generalize the result.
About the authors:
Senior Contributing Authors
William Moebs, Formerly of Loyola Marymount University
Samuel J. Ling, Truman State University
Jeff Sanny, Loyola Marymount University
Contributing Authors
Stephen D. Druger
David Anderson, Albion College
Daniel Bowman, Ferrum College
Dedra Demaree, Georgetown University
Gerald Friedman, Santa Fe Community College
Lev Gasparov, University of North Florida
Lee LaRue, Paris Junior College
Mark Lattery, University of Wisconsin
Richard Ludlow, Daniel Webster College
Patrick Motl, Indiana University Kokomo
Tao Pang, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Alice Kolakowska, University of Memphis
Edw. S. Ginsberg, University of Massachusetts
Kenneth Podolak, Plattsburgh State University
Takashi Sato, Kwantlen Polytechnic University
David Smith, University of the Virgin Islands
Joseph Trout, Richard Stockton College
Kevin Wheelock, Bellevue College